IJR Volume 7
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research (IJR), Representing Justice, Volume 7: Winter 2018, editors Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby, Kelly Gorkoff, Michelle Bertrand and Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to PDF of that chapter.
Introduction: Representing Justice - Kevin Walby, Steven Kohm, Kelly Gorkoff, Michelle Bertrand and Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land
Urban Imaginaries in Canadian Crime Film: Entanglements of Crime and Place in Running with the Hitman - Sonia Bookman
Favela Law and City of God - Suzanne Bouclin
Representing Justice in Indigenous Canadian Crime Films - Steven Kohm and Taylor Richtik
Re-presenting Transactions: Prosecuting a Police-involved Shooting with Video Evidence - Patrick G. Watson
An Exploratory Study of Public Perceptions of Police Conduct Depicted in Body Worn Camera Footage on YouTube - Christopher J. Schneider
Representing Indigenous Protest on Twitter: Examining the Social Media Dialogue that Accompanied a Single Image of the DAPL Protests at Standing Rock - James Popham and Latasha VanEvery
Violence against Women in the Slums of India: An Unequal Representation of Justice - Dipa Dube and John Winterdyk
Beyond Impact Factor Fetishism: Representing Justice in Criminal Justice and Criminology Journals - Kevin Walby and Steven Kohm
Psychiatric Post-anarchism: a New Direction for Insurrection in the Mental Health System - Matthew S. Johnston and Rhys Steckle
Representing Survivors: A Critical Analysis of Recommendations to Resolve Northern Ireland’s Historical Child Abuse Claims - Patricia Lundy and Kathleen Mahoney
Conscious Representations: Critically Interrogating the Engagements and Representations of Extralegal Discourse in R. v. J.A. - Lauren Menzie
Accessing Diversion from Custody: Retention and Classification in a Drug Treatment Court - Michael Weinrath, Kelly Gorkoff, Joshua Watts, Calum Smee, Zachary Allard, Michael Bellan, Sarah Lumsden, and Melissa Cattini
“Me Time”: (Re)Presenting Self and Carceral Spaces - James Gacek
Standardizing ‘Corrections’: The Politics of Prison Expansionism and Settler Colonial Representations of Punishment in Nunavut - Kara Brisson-Boivin
Getting “Beyond the Fence”: Interrogating the Backstage Production, Marketing and Evaluation of CSC’s Virtual Tour - Jarrod Shook, Justin Piché and Kevin Walby
Book Reviews
Review of Peretz, Eyal. 2017. The Off-Screen - Lester Andrist
Review of Harper, Stephen. 2017. Screening Bosnia - Jasmina Gavrankapetanović-Redžić