IJR Volume 5
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, Visualizing Justice (IJR) Volume 5: Winter 2016, editors Richard Jochelson, Kevin Walby, Michelle Bertrand and Steven Kohm, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to PDF of that chapter.
Introduction Kevin Walby, Richard Jochelson, Michelle Bertrand and Steven Kohm
Visualizing Cultural Criminology: See(k)ing Justice in the Films of Atom Egoyan Steven Kohm and James Gacek
Meth, Markets, Masculinities: Action and Identity in AMC’s Breaking Bad Diana Young
“When She Cracks”: The Visual (Re)Construction of “Deadly Women” in Infotainment Media Isabel Scheuneman Scott and Jennifer M. Kilty
“Let’s Be Bad Guys”: (Re)Visualizing (In)Justice on the Western Frontier in Joss Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity Garrett Lecoq
The Representation of Prison Subculture Models in Mid- 20th Century Hollywood Film Courtney A. Waid-Lindberg, Daryl J. Kosiak and Kristi Brownfield
Linking Visuality to Justice through International Cover Designs for Discipline and Punish Katherine Bischoping, Selom Chapman-Nyaho and Rebecca Raby*
Rationale: Of Manicures, Make-Overs, Matryoshkas, and Transformation Visualizing My Legal Studies Rebecca Bromwich
Visible Justice: YouTube and the UK Supreme Court Leslie J Moran
Reflections on Visual Methods from a Study of Manitoulin Island’s Penal History Museums Kevin Walby and Justin Piché
Visualizing Prison Life: Does Prison Architecture Influence Correctional Officer Behaviour? An Exploratory Study Michael Weinrath, Camella Budzinski and Tanis Melnyk
(In) Visible Histories: Colonialism, Space and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Mandi Gray and Karl Gardner
Justice as Invisibility: Law, Terror, and Dehumanization Robert Diab
Examining Narratives of Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Law Ruby Dhand
Visualizing Indigenous Perspectives of how the Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Program (SCYAP) Addresses Social Exclusion John Charlton and John Hansen
*Khoday wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Legal Research Institute at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law as well as the helpful research assistance of Eric Kerson
*Bischoping et al are grateful to C. Lewis Kausel and Simon Penny for their insights, and Andrey Bondarenko, Mykola Lyalyuk, David Moffette, and Hazel Smith for their assistance in identifying images.