IJR Volume 4
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, (IJR) Volume 4: Fall 2014, editor Steven Kohm, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to PDF of that chapter.
Educating Justice: Postsecondary Education in the Justice Disciplines, Steven Kohm, Kelly Gorkoff, Richard Jochelson, and Kevin Walby
Of Big Tents and Handmaidens: The Origins and Evolution of Criminology at Simon Fraser University, Curt T. Griffiths and Ted Palys
Commentary: Programs and Centres of Justice Studies in Canada
Development of a Diploma and a Bachelor of Arts Major in Police Studies at Memorial University, Anne Morris and Sharon Barter Trenholm
A Tale of Three Programs: Reflections on Criminological Studies at Ryerson University, Tammy C. Landau and Kimberly N. Varma
From Studies in Justice and Law Enforcement to the Department of Criminal Justice: A Reflection from the University of Winnipeg, Michael Weinrath
A Justice Experience at the University of Regina: A History of an Interdisciplinary, Academic, Liberal Arts Program, Hirsch Greenberg
Personal Reflections on Justice Education at Mount Royal University, Doug King and John Winterdyk
Educating the Criminology Vanguard, R.S. Ratner
Bridging Gaps: Social Justice Studies at the University of Victoria, William K. Carroll
Educating Justice Up Close and From a Distance: Reflections on the First Ten Years of the BA Justice Studies Program at Royal Roads University, Michael G. Young
Reflections on Justice Education
Teaching and Learning about Justice through Wahkohtowin, Sarah Buhler, Priscilla Settee, and Nancy Van Styvendale
Complex Alliances: A Community- and Institution-based Project for Educating Justice-involved Women, Judith Harris and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers
Let Law be Law, and Let us Critique: Teaching Law to Undergraduate Students of Criminal Justice, Richard Jochelson
A Criminologist’s Journey: Embracing the Sociological Roots of Justice Studies, Courtney Waid-Lindberg