IJR Volume 10
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research (IJR), Pandemic Justice, Volume 10: Spring 2021, editors Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby, Kelly Gorkoff, Katharina Maier and Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to PDF of that chapter.
Introduction: Pandemic Justice - Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby, Kelly Gorkoff, Katharina Maier and Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land
Crisis in Criminology: Reflections on the Concept of Crisis in the Time of COVID-19 - Katharina Maier, Rebecca Hume and Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land
Dispensing Digital Justice: COVID-19, Courts, and the Potentially Diminishing Role of Jury Trials - Michelle I. Bertrand, David Ireland, Richard Jochelson and Kathleen Kerr-Donohue
Assholes in the News: Policing in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Christopher J. Schneider
COVID-19 and Restorative Justice - Muhammad Asadullah and Barbara Tomporowski
Will the COVID-19 Crisis Help Us Trace a Path Towards More Equitable Access to Justice? - Megan Katherine Capp
Understanding the Carceral Experience and the “Carceral Imaginary” in a Lockdown Situation: An Exploratory Study of Social Representations of Prison during a Health Crisis - Anaïs Tschanz and Lucie Hernandez
Ethical Considerations for Pandemic Prison Research - James Gacek
Policing the Pandemic: Counter-mapping Policing Responses to COVID-19 across Canada - Alexander McClelland and Alex Luscombe
Media Framing, Claims-Making, and Risk in Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Courtney Joshua and Kevin Walby
Pandemic Injustice in Mental Health: Quebec’s Punitive Turn During COVID-19 - Emmanuelle Bernheim
Policing Plague and Rebellion in the Carceral Surround - R. Joshua Scannell
A Matter of Life and Death: Exploring the Necropolitical Limbo of Kingston’s Housing Crisis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Sophie Lachapelle and Angela May