IJR Volume 1
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, (IJR) Volume 1: Fall 2010, editors Steven Kohm, Michael Weinrath, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to chapter PDF.
Introduction, Steven Kohm, Michael Weinrath
Keynote Address: On Giving a Damn, John C. Crank
Practicing Justice by Practicing Method: A Brief Rethinking of Feminist Analytics of Obscenity and Indecency Law in Canada, Richard Jochelson, Kirsten Kramar
Teaching Intelligence Analysis: Field vs. Academia, Sandy Wilson, Vanessa Chopyk, Angela Whyte
Domestic Violence and Immigrant Women’s Access to Services in Edmonton, Alberta, Wendy Aujla
Little Red Riding Hood Crime Films: Criminal Themes and Critical Variations, Pauline Greenhill, Steven Kohm
Disproportionate Minority Contact Among Juvenile Offenders: A Plan for Assessment in Cass County, North Dakota, Courtney A. Waid
Economic Models in the Context of Heroin Substitution Programs, Sabrina Heyde
Decolonizing Research, Jennifer Keith
Rituals of Retribution: From the Traditional to the Contemporary, Paul Redekop
The New Tough on Crime: A Restorative Justice Perspective, Colleen Pawlychka
The Metaphysical Underpinnings of Capital Punishment: A Preliminary Investigation, Mark A. Davidson