Editorial Board
The input of Editorial Board members is invaluable to our peer review process. As Canada’s only interdisciplinary journal of justice studies research, The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research (IJR) relies on experts across a range of disciplines to assist us in the review process.
Thank you to our Editorial Board members:
Mark Ayyash Mount Royal University
Michelle Bertrand University of Winnipeg
Steven Bittle University of Ottawa
Vicki Chartrand Bishop’s University
Diane Crocker Saint Mary's University
Paul Datta University of Windsor
Alan Diduck University of Winnipeg
Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land University of Winnipeg
Stacy Douglas Carleton University
Aaron Doyle Carleton University
Neil Funk-Unrau Menno Simons College
James Gacek University of Regina
Philip Goodman University of Toronto
Kelly Gorkoff University of Winnipeg
Vanessa Iafolla Saint Mary’s University
Richard Jochelson Robson Hall Law School
Maria Jung Toronto Metropolitan University
Ummni Khan Carleton University
Jennifer Kilty University of Ottawa
Steven Kohm University of Winnipeg
Tammy Landau Toronto Metropolitan University
Anna Lund University of Alberta Faculty of Law
Katharina Maier University of Winnipeg
Joanne C. Minaker MacEwan University
Lisa Monchalin Kwantlen Polytechnic
Nicole Myers Queen's University
Amanda Nelund MacEwan University
Justin Piché University of Ottawa
Rose Ricciardelli Memorial University
Chris Schneider Brandon University
Dale Spencer Carleton University
Kim Varma Toronto Metropolitan University
Kevin Walby University of Winnipeg
Michael Weinrath University of Winnipeg
Christiane Wilke Carleton University
Andrew Woolford University of Manitoba
Scot Wortley University of Toronto
Jen Wyre North Island College British Columbia